Home > Rambling


June 27th, 2006 at 01:40 pm

So I only 'came to my senses' about 2 weeks ago. In such a short time I've found that my attitude about things have changes sooo much. I do find that things have been easier to control since DH has been gone. He gets back tomorrow so it will be a real challenge to keep things simple.

DH got a pair of Land's End pants for Christmas. About 3 weeks ago the zipper just broke for no reason. DH shoved them aside to be thrown away. I came across them yesterday and (thanks to reading other people's blogs)I emailed Land's End and told them what happened. They sent me a return form and said I could return them for a new pair. I will just have to pay for sending them back. A few weeks ago I wouldn't have thought to do that, I would have just thrown them away as a loss.

Today I have to clear up some medical expense reimbursements. I am going to the office personally to make sure my claims get processed. I also had a problem with my Child Care Flexible Spending Account. There was still about $85 in there when I gave my notice so right before I left I filed a claim for the balance in my account. I never got it so I will try to clear that up as well. Right after I left I checked online and my balance was zero. SO as soon as they found out I left the job they zeroed my account - but I filed the claim BEFORE I left. Ok, only 2 days before but STILL before I left. They should have sent me the money. Hopefully it won't be too big of a pita.

I also have about $250 tied up in a sharesave program that I am trying to get back. I was told when I left that it would automatically be sent to me but there was some problem with the way they were administering it. SO I contacted my old employer but the CFO is out until tomorrow. I was told they would probably just cut me a check. I want to put that in DS savings acct. I still owe him $300 from what we borrowed in Dec to pay for car ins.

Hopefully DH has not changed his mind about cashing out some of our investments to pay down our debt. If all goes well we will have the cc, boat and truck paid off in a month. The only thing outstanding will be his student loans. He has one loan so nothing to consolidate. With rates going up July 1 I don't know what I can do to make that less.

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